About The Invention

The Special Event Fan & App a hand held SOS fan system

This Product is a simple revolutionary idea that combines two very important things, those things are fun and safety. The whole inspiration behind the LED fan is a simple idea that makes it easier for paramedics or any other medical personnel who work at various events and shows, to find people who have fallen out of the event by passing out, heat stroke, dehydration, or any other serious medical injury that can occur at a show. The way this fan does this is with the GPS locator in the fan and the inter-connectivity between the fans and the cell phone app that is marketed with the LED fan.

When the button on the side is pushed up it will turn the fans lights on and activate the cell phone app where you can select the color of the lights and the pattern you want the lights to flash in for fun. However, if you push the button down it will immediately open the application to send an SOS. In order to send an SOS you will have to have a pin set up. Once the pin is input into the APP the SOS is sent to the paramedics.

This app is marketable in the way that it can save lives. It could be marketed at the door of the event or sold with tickets and instructions on how to work it. The whole idea is to make it easier and faster for medical teams to find people in need. As well as having a little fun when there is no incident. Sometimes it is only a second’s difference between someone possible passing away and someone surviving this device hopes to give people just a little more time. This product would be low cost on the retail shelf and could sell in any big box, and specialty, stores making it a high volume sales product.

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/igib4m5lyvQ?rel=0&showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Product Images

Special Event Fan
Special Event Fan
Special Event Fan
Special Event Fan
Special Event Fan
Special Event Fan

About the Inventor

Kevin Wong
“Special Event Fan & App”

The inventor, Kevin Wong, lives in Montclair, California and had an idea for a better way to incorporate fun and help into a hand-held fan. Kevin contacted the Mars Rising Network and had a provisional and design patent application filed and had the invention designed properly so that he may see success with this great idea and turn it into a real product. He is actively seeking a company that would have an interest in licensing the product for a royalty.

Kevin Wong- Inventor

Kevin Wong

Contact The Inventor

Special Event Fan & App

Montclair, CA. 91763
Phone: 909-938-0065
Website: www.festivefans.com

Contact By Email

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