About The Invention
Turnover Football™
The Turnover Football™ is a new invention that will revolutionize Football training process. It’s a “Football specific” apparatus used during phases practice. In the first phase, it is used to create the stripping action when a defender knocks the ball out of the quarterback’s hand. The system can be used to simulate a defender deflecting passes. It is also use as a system to simulate a blocked field goal or punt.
The Turnover Football™ is composed of three parts; the Football housing sleeve, the rubber cord and the Wrist Strap. The Football housing sleeve has three major parts. There is the Sleeve body that wraps around the ball. The thin rubber brace that provides grip on the housing sleeve and the Velcro that holds the housing sleeve around the ball. The rubber cord is an elastic cord that attaches on the Housing sleeve and the Wrist Strap. As for the Wrist Strap, it attaches on the player’s wrist in order to control the ball.
Because the ball is covered by the sleeve which is attach to an elastic cord, the opposite side of the cord is attached to the wrist strap. The system allows many players to practice “Turnover“ skills at one time. It is also very time efficient. The neon green color serves as a “Stimuli” to trigger the stripping action.
The potential market for the Turnover Football™ is enormous. The product is user friendly. Potential markets includes Junior High School, College Football and NFL.
Product Images

About the Inventor
William Middleton
Turnover Football™
The inventor, William Middleton of Tallahassee, FL had an idea to help reduce risk of injury and repetition during football practice for all ages. William contacted the Mars Rising Network and had a provisional and design patent application filed and had the invention designed properly so that he may see success with this great idea and turn it into a real product. He is actively seeking a company that would have an interest in licensing the product for a royalty.

William Middleton
Contact The Inventor
Turnover Football™
William Middleton
Tallahassee, FL
Phone: 316-258-5859
Website: turnoverfootball.com
Contact By Email