Engineering Services
The Mars Rising Network has connected with people and companies whose experience ranges from 10 to 40 years with numerous degrees from accredited colleges and from real world experience. This includes full product design and development with software development as well. Mold making for manufacturing and at the best price in the country.
The newest technology of course is the 3D model engineering which is becoming the preferred method by the larger corporations and the small business sector.
The 3D model engineering is the first step into the real world engineering that manufacturing demands. It is taking the original 3D model and producing material prototypes from that engineering. From the smallest part to the largest model we can produce the very highest quality for a very low cost. We offer very competitive pricing from our ability to deliver volume for our network partners.
The 3D images below are an example of what our engineers are capable of……

These images are 3D models from the CAD design and are manufacturer quality to be molded for manufacturing. A manufacturer can go directly to mold or to manufacture parts that are detailed and exact in measurement from these images. The need and expense to manufacture prototypes are eliminated so it keeps the cost to a minimum and that is why larger companies are using this method more and more. We cannot show actual drawings as they are proprietary however the 2D drawings are rendered at the same time so this makes the cost even lower.
CALL: 888-627-7747
For more information and to speak with an Engineer specific to your project.
What We Offer
Professional and Personalized Services and Programs