About The Invention
Oxygen bars can be relaxing and rejunevating. But they aren’t always easy to find.
What if you could just pull out some ‘fresh air’ out of your pocket? Well, this exactly where the iBreathe O2 vape pen comes in. This vape system is intended to be similar to a ‘vape pen’ with the major difference being that there is no nicotine or other harmful drugs. It is oxygen with the hints of natural flavors such as pine or floral.
The iBreathe has a refillable cartridge installed that is full of oxygen. The flavor cartridges are also replaceable and are meant to accent healthier memories such as hiking in the mountains or being in a garden.
The objective to be able to take a breath of fresh air to brighten a mood or to escape a smoky or strongly perfumed environment.
The infusing system is lightweight and can be recharged via a USB port in the handle.
Although it is not meant as a medical device, it can be beneficial for people with sensitive lungs when they are in an area that is causing irritation.
Regular vaping pens have dangerous and addictive chemicals such as nicotine. The iBreathe is quite the opposite with soothing oxygen with optional light smoothing scents.
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About the Inventor
Abraham Cohen of Brooklyn, NY, had an idea. Instead of inhaling dangerous chemicals, why not give your body something more healthy? He worked up a solution and it proved to be quite effective. Working with Mars Rising Network, he had the invention refined to prepare this essential new design into a commercial product.
He is actively seeking a company that would have an interest in partnering with him to get this product on the market.

Abraham Cohen
Contact The Inventor
Abraham Cohen
Phone: (929) 370-8629
Website: www.ibreathevape.com
Contact By Email