About The Invention

 Are we ever certain when that saved meal in the refrigerator might have expired? Gatherings, parties, or just leftover food saved for later either tossed too soon or we stressed on eating what might be perfectly fine, to only more often than not lead to the decision to toss, discard and waste. 

That is one of several instances that sprung Flipping Lids into existence for Suzzanne and her family. Embedded with a smart food sensor and designed to be carried from the table to the fridge with a flip of the lid. Flipping Lid’s collection of smart food storage kitchenware offers the ability to identify when you truly missed out.  

Flipping Lids will help entertain the critics and plaster smiles on the faces of those we care for as they can confidently recognize stored items are safe to enjoy again.  Let us face it, we all have cooked ourselves toward that moment, time to hunt down that matching lid and container. Not with flipping lids, you’ll detect from your first use. With the flip of the lid convenience of storing leftovers to a smart food sensor encased in the design of our lids that warns with a colorimetric design onboard changing from yellow to red signifying when it is truly time to discard. The time has come for consumers to the end-users alike to safely identify when to waste or not waste. Flipping Lids spoilage and contamination sensor warns with ease when it is no longer safe to consume saved items. Move forward with confidence to enjoy again as Flipping Lids smart food storage kitchenware offers the ability to conveniently store away both in and out of use and help solve throwing food away without ever knowing if it is spoiled or not.


Product Images

About the Inventor

Suzzanne Gonnella is an avid cook who like most of us has had to wonder “is this food still good?” She knew that the technology was available and that it could be applied to this age-old question.  She came up with a solution and working with Mars Rising Network, She had the invention refined to prepare this essential new design into a commercial product. 

She is actively seeking a company that would have an interest in licensing the product for a royalty..   

Suzzanne Gonnella

Contact The Inventor

Suzzanne Gonnella

Phone:  (732) 551-9277

Website: www.MyFlippinLids.com

Contact By Email

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