About The Invention

My Duet™

My Duet™ is a revolutionary new product that combines the functionality of two often used household items into one amazing package. Part blow dryer, part handheld steamer, My Duet™ is perfect for personal or business travelers and those looking to save space, time and money.

The My Duet™ body is constructed from high-endurance plastic and lined with mica to block out heat and moisture. As a blow dryer, simply select your temperature (Low- High-or Off for Cool) and fan speed (Low-High) from the separated switches on the handle to quickly and easily dry your hair. As a steamer, flip the switch on the top of the body from Off to either Low or High. These settings represent the fan speed which results in either a weaker or stronger stream of steam, respectively. The temperature sets itself and in moment, a jet of steam is spewed out the front funnel. Use to get wrinkles out of your clothes quickly!

Everybody has those moments where there is either no time or room to iron your wrinkly clothes. Don’t get caught out and about in an out t that looks like it was just pulled out of a pile! When you have a My Duet™ handy, you’ll always have the capability to look your very best. Make a good impression by having the My Duet™ in your arsenal of beauty products.

The My Duet™ comes standard with a funnel attachment that will direct the steam more efficiently. Simply fasten it to the end of the My Duet and enjoy a steam stream that will have those wrinkles eliminated in no-time! So whether you’re in the market for a high-quality blow dryer or a fantastic handheld steamer, do the smart thing and pick up the My Duet™!

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Product Images

About the Inventor

Shawn M. Cushing
My Duet™

The inventor, Shawn Cushing of Mobile, AL had an idea for combining the functions of several devices into one. Shawn contacted the Mars Rising Network and had a provisional and design patent application led. She then had her invention designed properly to turn this great idea into a real product. She is actively seeking a company that would have an interest in licensing the product for a royalty

Shawn Cushing

Contact The Inventor

My Duet™
Shawn Cushing

Mobile, AL

Phone:  (251) 767-0381
Website: my-duet.com

Contact By Email

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