About The Invention

Find My Way App™

The Find My Way™ app is a great, and easy to use, app for any smart phone which allows the user to quickly navigate large buildings. This app allows a user to place the address or general location into the specified field, and then the general area would come up similar to Google Maps. Because certain locations can have multiple buildings it’s important to show the surrounding area just in case the main building is not the one you are looking for. A perfect example of this is a college campus or shopping mall with outdoor buildings. If you were only able to select the exact address you would be limited in your directions.

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Product Images

About the Inventor

Andranette M. Tate
Find My Way™ App

The inventors, Andranette M. Tate and Johnnie Tate of Madison, TN had an idea for finding offices and classrooms. Seach engines get you the building but then what? Andranette contacted the Mars Rising Network and had a provisional and design patent application filed and had the invention designed properly so that she may see success with this great idea and turn it into a real product. She is actively seeking a company that would have an interest in licensing the product for a royalty.

Andranette M. Tate

Contact The Inventor

Find My Way™ App
Andranette M. Tate

Madison, TN
Phone: (615) 878-7246
Website: findmywaysolo.com

Contact By Email

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