The Universal Outlet System

The Universal Outlet System

This revolutionary new system is designed to replace typical house wiring with a safer easier method. It’s purpose to create a universal pluggable method throughout the homeowners house without the need of dealing with dangerous high voltage wires or having to use screws.

The SandWorkz ASMS

The SandWorkz ASMS

The SandWorkz Automated Sand Management System is a device to be used during the process of the fluid removal from the wellbore. It allows for remote login monitoring into the system and provides the ability to view sand production numbers made from the day the well opens through the current date. This will allow the parties responsible for the well to see the numbers first hand. As well as having an accurate method to real sand production.

The Autonomous Wheelchair

The Autonomous Wheelchair

The Autonomous Wheelchair is a new invention that will revolutionize how people travel due to disability and age. This innovative device is a type of wheelchair that is technologically advanced in artificial intelligence, LIDAR system pathfinding and motor technology, while boosting comfort of the user in their day to day chores.

The “Wash My Dog” Gloves

The “Wash My Dog” Gloves

Wash My Dog gloves offer an inexpensive, simple solution to the main reason owners – and dogs – dread bath time. Whenever you reach for a brush or the shampoo bottle, your dog wiggles and fidgets until it frees itself. The dog can begin splashing, run off and create a big mess; not to mention a lot of wasted time and effort. When you’re wearing Wash My Dog gloves, you’ll have full control over your dog until the bath is finished.

The Pouring Spout

The Pouring Spout

The Pouring Spout is an innovative invention for the difficult world of pouring the heavy liquid detergent into the washer. This invention will allow people who have arthritis, the elderly and upper arm disability the necessary equipment to funnel the liquid detergent from the detergent container to the washer with ease.