Open Cap Design

Open Cap Design

The Open Hat design is an innovative new style for baseball caps. The design allows for those with longer hair to have a baseball style cap that you can wear comfortably.



BittBooks is a wonderful type of book app that allow users to access a database of textbooks and other reading materials that normally cost hundreds of dollars to purchase/rent.

Easy Stick-On Bib

Easy Stick-On Bib

The Easy Stick-On Bib is a disposable bib which can stick to any onesie for kids & babies. It conforms to the surface since the film is flexible and allows for a wide span of movement without falling off.

The Ab Press

The Ab Press

The Ab Press is a new and tested invention to shed inches off your stomach throughout your normal day. The inventor, Donna, has used an early prototype variation of this device and has lost three inches off her stomach!

Cool Heads System

Cool Heads System

The Cool Heads system is the perfect device to keep you cool from this summer on. It was specifically designed to cool off any one who has to wear a helmet, hard hat, or mask.