Morningstar SOS™

Morningstar SOS™

The Morningstar SOS™ is a ground breaking invention that will assist homeowners in making their pools safe for children. This new invention is a type of drone that provides a safe environment, while boosting the security of homeowners.

Atlas Ball™

Atlas Ball™

The Atlas Ball™ is a Fitness and Strength training device designed to increase coordination, skill, dexterity, agility, and power. It is a spherical shell that can be filled with any dense material that one desires.



FaceBoss™ is a new sun shielding device developed for sunbathing at the beach without the glaring sun in your face. This allows you to comfortably read, view devices and easily see your immediate surroundings while being shielded from the sun.



The Sea Vault™ is a Personal Floating Storage Device. Its purpose is to allow you to keep valuables with you while you swim. It consists of two spheres: an inner sphere (the storage sphere), and an outer sphere. In between the inner sphere is the storage sphere which is hollow. In between the inner sphere and the outer sphere, there is the Urethane foam (same that buoys use to keep a oat), this makes the device floatable and unsinkable.