The “Wash My Dog” Gloves

The “Wash My Dog” Gloves

Wash My Dog gloves offer an inexpensive, simple solution to the main reason owners – and dogs – dread bath time. Whenever you reach for a brush or the shampoo bottle, your dog wiggles and fidgets until it frees itself. The dog can begin splashing, run off and create a big mess; not to mention a lot of wasted time and effort. When you’re wearing Wash My Dog gloves, you’ll have full control over your dog until the bath is finished.

The Pouring Spout

The Pouring Spout

The Pouring Spout is an innovative invention for the difficult world of pouring the heavy liquid detergent into the washer. This invention will allow people who have arthritis, the elderly and upper arm disability the necessary equipment to funnel the liquid detergent from the detergent container to the washer with ease.

The Easy Foldout Table

The Easy Foldout Table

Introducing the Easy Foldout Table. The Easy Foldout table has legs that unfold into position. Unlike existing folding tables, these legs unfold automatically together as any one leg is extended. Regardless of which leg you pull, the other three are connected in a way that easily pulls the others into position. Each leg is connected by hinge to a corner of the table. A central piece rotates around a pivot at the center of the table.