The SandWorkz ASMS

The SandWorkz ASMS

The SandWorkz Automated Sand Management System is a device to be used during the process of the fluid removal from the wellbore. It allows for remote login monitoring into the system and provides the ability to view sand production numbers made from the day the well opens through the current date. This will allow the parties responsible for the well to see the numbers first hand. As well as having an accurate method to real sand production.

The Autonomous Wheelchair

The Autonomous Wheelchair

The Autonomous Wheelchair is a new invention that will revolutionize how people travel due to disability and age. This innovative device is a type of wheelchair that is technologically advanced in artificial intelligence, LIDAR system pathfinding and motor technology, while boosting comfort of the user in their day to day chores.

10 Warning Signs of a Patent or Invention Scam

From the wheel to the telephone to the automobile, inventions have been changing the world since the dawn of humankind. In the modern world of the 21st century, inventors are still making waves and changing society – and getting rich in the process.

Invention Ideas & Investing in them with Crowdfunding

People have been inventing things for thousands of years and people have been investing in things for about as long. Inventors have been creating new inventions for the consumer market for about the last 100 years or more because of the growing consumer market. In the last 50 years there has been an explosion with the population and its needs and wants for making and buying things that are less expensive, easier, faster, and better.