by drice | Jan 8, 2021 | Inventors Directory
The Aquafinitee contacts are an alternative to regular contacts. They are created to dissolve in the person’s eye over time and be washed away by natural fluids. People will no longer need to worry about leaving the contacts in overnight and forgetting them.
by drice | Dec 24, 2020 | Inventors Directory
Introducing the Sand Slide! The Sand Slide helps alleviate the issues of pulling wagons or other heavy objects through sand on the beach or similar area. Heavy coolers or wagons can be put on it and easily pulled through sand due to its smooth bottom.
by drice | Dec 24, 2020 | Inventors Directory
The Escape Mixer is similar to standard mixers but with several innovative new features. This mixer has a mechanism that allows the mixer beater blades to open whereas regular mixer beater blades can not.
by drice | Dec 11, 2020 | Inventors Directory
The iBreathe has a refillable cartridge installed that is full of oxygen. The flavor cartridges are also replaceable and are meant to accent healthier memories such as hiking in the mountains or being in a garden.
by drice | Nov 30, 2020 | Inventors Directory
Introducing the Safety Nail Clippers. These innovation clippers have a plastic buffer that separates the cutting edge from the child’s tender tissue underneath the nail. The clippers come as a set of different sizes for different margins of safety. You can use the biggest one and work your way down as you feel more comfortable.