About Mars Rising Network
Many people ask about The Mars Rising Network and why and how the name became the organization it is now. Mr. Jeffrey Benson our Founder & CEO was born on August 27 and his mother, ”Lucille”, was an astrologist. On that day each year the planet Mars is closest to planet Earth. It was established by the day and time in which Mr. Benson was born that his mother sited he was born under at least 12 mars rising signs and that meant he was to have a lifetime of many opportunities among other things.
Throughout his life he has had many opportunities in business, with inventions, music, writing, and of course relationships that would give him his children and grandchildren. As he grew older he owned a golf company that was doing about 15 million a year in sales from an idea he created and made it a reality. At that point (1997) Mr. Benson realized that he could form a network for inventors and entrepreneurs that would assist them in taking their ideas and making them a reality and do it all in a free forum environment with the basic services an inventor or entrepreneur would need to reach their success.
Whether Mr. Benson believed any of this to be totally true or not, it did encourage him to look at his life and offer his experience as assistance to those with the same creative energy that he had. The internet was rather disjointed and until recently and he has for almost 17 years, wanted to assemble a place where these inventors and entrepreneurial spirits could go to search for answers to their questions. A place that is free from ridiculous fees and costs that would normally stop any inventor or entrepreneur in their tracks.
The Mars Rising Network is here now and is as transparent as a company could be by offering real world answers to those questions all of us have as to how to take my idea to success. There are other inventor help companies out there and many are scams and many are legitimate companies doing good work for fellow inventors.
The Mars Rising Network will never make promises it cannot keep and will not guarantee anyone with instant success or promises of that success. What we will do is offer the world’s largest inventor resource center free of charge to all inventors and offer services that will allow the inventor the opportunity to take their idea and make it a reality for a very low cost with high quality work. That is our promise and our resolve.
We answer our phones and respond to our emails. We are here to assist you in every way possible. Please look through the entire website when you have the time. You will find highly relevant information here and if you have any questions please call our toll free #.
888-Mars-Rising / 888-627-7747

Call 888-Mars-Rising (888-627-7747)

Jeffrey Benson, CEO